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Introducing - personal website - kiss stuff

So, one of the first thing to definitely see on the net... Oh and kisses :) I kiss you, you kiss me, we kiss we and so on... So what's the catch?

Let me lead you in today's theme - personal presentations. WTF?

Look, if you plan having a personal presentation - FINE, go ahead, put even your drivers licence on (I have seen a few of these), BUT don't blame me if you get:
a) tons of spam
b) tons of comments that will blow you off your feat
c) gay/fetish/really sick/too kinky photo with your head sticked to the "actor that takes it all"'s body
d) me as a visitor to mention you around and laugh my head off
e) no traffic or what so ever

So lemme give you an example - this one is a perfect example of personal presentantion. It has stuff like design, text and is completely cooooooo, oh no no wait - it's hilarious :)

You'll enjoy the PERFECT layout of a man that is TOTALLY serious. It's a personal presentation of a guy, that loads you with info (including his 1.83cm height which makes him THE smallest human you have EVER seen). But don't let the simple layout fool you - there's an video section too :) (you HAVE to check it out).

I really like these sites with COOL photos-from-your-life-on-which-you-look-stupid. I mean I really DO, and I bet you do also :)

I mean this stuff is really ... It's quite.. Well it's something definitely. I'm not mentiong this site just like that, it's just because I liked it quite a lot. I'm not picking on anybody or stuff like that (ok i'm picking on his site, but hey :) )

He maybe kisses you, but I think i'll pass that ... ANYWAY this is by opinion of many the most visited pesonal webpage, so if you want to be the best, look up to this one.... I know it's a bit old, but it's that HAVE-TO-SEE kind of sites...

Oh and do you think this is the best I can?
I would not bet my net on that...